Clipboard Module

The Clipboard component copies text to the clipboard


Type Description


A list of children or a property for this dash component


The Clipboard component copies text to the clipboard


• target_id (string | record; default null) - The id of target component containing text to copy to the clipboard. The inner text of the `children` prop will be copied to the clipboard. If none, then the text from the `value` prop will be copied. • content (string; default null) - The text to be copied to the clipboard if the `target_id` is None. • n_clicks (number; default 0) - The number of times copy button was clicked • title (string) - The text shown as a tooltip when hovering over the copy icon. • style (record) - The icon's styles • className (string) - The class name of the icon element • loading_state (record with the fields: 'is_loading: boolean (optional)', 'prop_name: string (optional)', 'component_name: string (optional)') - Object that holds the loading state object coming from dash-renderer

Functions and values

Function or value Description

Clipboard.clipboard id attrs

Full Usage: Clipboard.clipboard id attrs

    id : string
    attrs : Attr list

Returns: DashComponent

The Clipboard component copies text to the clipboard Properties: • id (string) - The ID used to identify this component. • target_id (string | record; default null) - The id of target component containing text to copy to the clipboard. The inner text of the `children` prop will be copied to the clipboard. If none, then the text from the `value` prop will be copied. • content (string; default null) - The text to be copied to the clipboard if the `target_id` is None. • n_clicks (number; default 0) - The number of times copy button was clicked • title (string) - The text shown as a tooltip when hovering over the copy icon. • style (record) - The icon's styles • className (string) - The class name of the icon element • loading_state (record with the fields: 'is_loading: boolean (optional)', 'prop_name: string (optional)', 'component_name: string (optional)') - Object that holds the loading state object coming from dash-renderer

id : string
attrs : Attr list
Returns: DashComponent