Dash.NET.DCC Namespace

Modules Description


Checklist is a component that encapsulates several checkboxes. The values and labels of the checklist are specified in the `options` property and the checked items are specified with the `value` property. Each checkbox is rendered as an input with a surrounding label.


The Clipboard component copies text to the clipboard


Dropdown is an interactive dropdown element for selecting one or more items. The values and labels of the dropdown items are specified in the `options` property and the selected item(s) are specified with the `value` property. Use a dropdown when you have many options (more than 5) or when you are constrained for space. Otherwise, you can use RadioItems or a Checklist, which have the benefit of showing the users all of the items at once.


Graph can be used to render any plotly.js-powered data visualization. You can define callbacks based on user interaction with Graphs such as hovering, clicking or selecting


A basic HTML input control for entering text, numbers, or passwords. Note that checkbox and radio types are supported through the Checklist and RadioItems component. Dates, times, and file uploads are also supported through separate components.


A component that repeatedly increments a counter `n_intervals` with a fixed time delay between each increment. Interval is good for triggering a component on a recurring basis. The time delay is set with the property "interval" in milliseconds.


A Loading component that wraps any other component and displays a spinner until the wrapped component has rendered.


Update and track the current window.location object through the window.history state. Use in conjunction with the `dash_core_components.Link` component to make apps with multiple pages.


A component that renders Markdown text as specified by the GitHub Markdown spec. These component uses [react-markdown](https://remarkjs.github.io/react-markdown/) under the hood.


RadioItems is a component that encapsulates several radio item inputs. The values and labels of the RadioItems is specified in the `options` property and the seleced item is specified with the `value` property. Each radio item is rendered as an input with a surrounding label.


A double slider with two handles. Used for specifying a range of numerical values.


A slider component with a single handle.


Easily keep data on the client side with this component. The data is not inserted in the DOM. Data can be in memory, localStorage or sessionStorage. The data will be kept with the id as key.


Part of dcc.Tabs - this is the child Tab component used to render a tabbed page. Its children will be set as the content of that tab, which if clicked will become visible.


A Dash component that lets you render pages with tabs - the Tabs component's children can be dcc.Tab components, which can hold a label that will be displayed as a tab, and can in turn hold children components that will be that tab's content.


A basic HTML textarea for entering multiline text.


Upload components allow your app to accept user-uploaded files via drag'n'drop