
class plotly.graph_objects.Figure(data=None, layout=None, frames=None, skip_invalid=False, **kwargs)
__init__(data=None, layout=None, frames=None, skip_invalid=False, **kwargs)

Create a new :class:Figure instance

  • data

    The ‘data’ property is a tuple of trace instances that may be specified as:

    • A list or tuple of trace instances (e.g. [Scatter(…), Bar(…)])

    • A single trace instance (e.g. Scatter(…), Bar(…), etc.)

    • A list or tuple of dicts of string/value properties where: - The ‘type’ property specifies the trace type

      One of: [‘bar’, ‘barpolar’, ‘box’, ‘candlestick’,

      ’carpet’, ‘choropleth’, ‘choroplethmap’, ‘choroplethmapbox’, ‘cone’, ‘contour’, ‘contourcarpet’, ‘densitymap’, ‘densitymapbox’, ‘funnel’, ‘funnelarea’, ‘heatmap’, ‘histogram’, ‘histogram2d’, ‘histogram2dcontour’, ‘icicle’, ‘image’, ‘indicator’, ‘isosurface’, ‘mesh3d’, ‘ohlc’, ‘parcats’, ‘parcoords’, ‘pie’, ‘sankey’, ‘scatter’, ‘scatter3d’, ‘scattercarpet’, ‘scattergeo’, ‘scattergl’, ‘scattermap’, ‘scattermapbox’, ‘scatterpolar’, ‘scatterpolargl’, ‘scattersmith’, ‘scatterternary’, ‘splom’, ‘streamtube’, ‘sunburst’, ‘surface’, ‘table’, ‘treemap’, ‘violin’, ‘volume’, ‘waterfall’]

      • All remaining properties are passed to the constructor of the specified trace type

      (e.g. [{‘type’: ‘scatter’, …}, {‘type’: ‘bar, …}])

  • layout

    The ‘layout’ property is an instance of Layout that may be specified as:

    • An instance of plotly.graph_objects.Layout

    • A dict of string/value properties that will be passed to the Layout constructor

      Supported dict properties:


      plotly.graph_objects.layout.Activeselec tion instance or dict with compatible properties


      :class:`plotly.graph_objects.layout.Activeshape ` instance or dict with compatible properties


      A tuple of plotly.graph_objects.layout.Annotation instances or dicts with compatible properties


      When used in a template (as layout.template.layout.annotationdefaults), sets the default property values to use for elements of layout.annotations


      Determines whether or not a layout width or height that has been left undefined by the user is initialized on each relayout. Note that, regardless of this attribute, an undefined layout width or height is always initialized on the first call to plot.


      Using “strict” a numeric string in trace data is not converted to a number. Using convert types a numeric string in trace data may be treated as a number during automatic axis type detection. This is the default value; however it could be overridden for individual axes.


      Sets the rounding of bar corners. May be an integer number of pixels, or a percentage of bar width (as a string ending in %).


      Sets the gap (in plot fraction) between bars of adjacent location coordinates.


      Sets the gap (in plot fraction) between bars of the same location coordinate.


      Determines how bars at the same location coordinate are displayed on the graph. With “stack”, the bars are stacked on top of one another With “relative”, the bars are stacked on top of one another, with negative values below the axis, positive values above With “group”, the bars are plotted next to one another centered around the shared location. With “overlay”, the bars are plotted over one another, you might need to reduce “opacity” to see multiple bars.


      Sets the normalization for bar traces on the graph. With “fraction”, the value of each bar is divided by the sum of all values at that location coordinate. “percent” is the same but multiplied by 100 to show percentages.


      Sets the gap (in plot fraction) between boxes of adjacent location coordinates. Has no effect on traces that have “width” set.


      Sets the gap (in plot fraction) between boxes of the same location coordinate. Has no effect on traces that have “width” set.


      Determines how boxes at the same location coordinate are displayed on the graph. If “group”, the boxes are plotted next to one another centered around the shared location. If “overlay”, the boxes are plotted over one another, you might need to set “opacity” to see them multiple boxes. Has no effect on traces that have “width” set.


      Sets the default calendar system to use for interpreting and displaying dates throughout the plot.


      Determines the mode of single click interactions. “event” is the default value and emits the plotly_click event. In addition this mode emits the plotly_selected event in drag modes “lasso” and “select”, but with no event data attached (kept for compatibility reasons). The “select” flag enables selecting single data points via click. This mode also supports persistent selections, meaning that pressing Shift while clicking, adds to / subtracts from an existing selection. “select” with hovermode: “x” can be confusing, consider explicitly setting hovermode: “closest” when using this feature. Selection events are sent accordingly as long as “event” flag is set as well. When the “event” flag is missing, plotly_click and plotly_selected events are not fired.


      plotly.graph_objects.layout.Coloraxis instance or dict with compatible properties


      plotly.graph_objects.layout.Colorscale instance or dict with compatible properties


      Sets the default trace colors.


      Placeholder for exporting automargin-impacting values namely margin.t, margin.b, margin.l and margin.r in “full-json” mode.


      If provided, a changed value tells Plotly.react that one or more data arrays has changed. This way you can modify arrays in- place rather than making a complete new copy for an incremental change. If NOT provided, Plotly.react assumes that data arrays are being treated as immutable, thus any data array with a different identity from its predecessor contains new data.


      Determines the mode of drag interactions. “select” and “lasso” apply only to scatter traces with markers or text. “orbit” and “turntable” apply only to 3D scenes.


      Controls persistence of user-driven changes in editable: true configuration, other than trace names and axis titles. Defaults to layout.uirevision.


      If true, the funnelarea slice colors (whether given by funnelareacolorway or inherited from colorway) will be extended to three times its original length by first repeating every color 20% lighter then each color 20% darker. This is intended to reduce the likelihood of reusing the same color when you have many slices, but you can set false to disable. Colors provided in the trace, using marker.colors, are never extended.


      If true, the icicle slice colors (whether given by iciclecolorway or inherited from colorway) will be extended to three times its original length by first repeating every color 20% lighter then each color 20% darker. This is intended to reduce the likelihood of reusing the same color when you have many slices, but you can set false to disable. Colors provided in the trace, using marker.colors, are never extended.


      If true, the pie slice colors (whether given by piecolorway or inherited from colorway) will be extended to three times its original length by first repeating every color 20% lighter then each color 20% darker. This is intended to reduce the likelihood of reusing the same color when you have many slices, but you can set false to disable. Colors provided in the trace, using marker.colors, are never extended.


      If true, the sunburst slice colors (whether given by sunburstcolorway or inherited from colorway) will be extended to three times its original length by first repeating every color 20% lighter then each color 20% darker. This is intended to reduce the likelihood of reusing the same color when you have many slices, but you can set false to disable. Colors provided in the trace, using marker.colors, are never extended.


      If true, the treemap slice colors (whether given by treemapcolorway or inherited from colorway) will be extended to three times its original length by first repeating every color 20% lighter then each color 20% darker. This is intended to reduce the likelihood of reusing the same color when you have many slices, but you can set false to disable. Colors provided in the trace, using marker.colors, are never extended.


      Sets the global font. Note that fonts used in traces and other layout components inherit from the global font.


      Sets the default funnelarea slice colors. Defaults to the main colorway used for trace colors. If you specify a new list here it can still be extended with lighter and darker colors, see extendfunnelareacolors.


      Sets the gap (in plot fraction) between bars of adjacent location coordinates.


      Sets the gap (in plot fraction) between bars of the same location coordinate.


      Determines how bars at the same location coordinate are displayed on the graph. With “stack”, the bars are stacked on top of one another With “group”, the bars are plotted next to one another centered around the shared location. With “overlay”, the bars are plotted over one another, you might need to reduce “opacity” to see multiple bars.


      plotly.graph_objects.layout.Geo instance or dict with compatible properties


      plotly.graph_objects.layout.Grid instance or dict with compatible properties


      Sets the plot’s height (in px).


      hiddenlabels is the funnelarea & pie chart analog of visible:’legendonly’ but it can contain many labels, and can simultaneously hide slices from several pies/funnelarea charts


      Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for hiddenlabels.


      Determines whether or not a text link citing the data source is placed at the bottom-right cored of the figure. Has only an effect only on graphs that have been generated via forked graphs from the Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise).


      Sets the default distance (in pixels) to look for data to add hover labels (-1 means no cutoff, 0 means no looking for data). This is only a real distance for hovering on point-like objects, like scatter points. For area-like objects (bars, scatter fills, etc) hovering is on inside the area and off outside, but these objects will not supersede hover on point-like objects in case of conflict.


      plotly.graph_objects.layout.Hoverlabel instance or dict with compatible properties


      Determines the mode of hover interactions. If “closest”, a single hoverlabel will appear for the “closest” point within the hoverdistance. If “x” (or “y”), multiple hoverlabels will appear for multiple points at the “closest” x- (or y-) coordinate within the hoverdistance, with the caveat that no more than one hoverlabel will appear per trace. If x unified (or y unified), a single hoverlabel will appear multiple points at the closest x- (or y-) coordinate within the hoverdistance with the caveat that no more than one hoverlabel will appear per trace. In this mode, spikelines are enabled by default perpendicular to the specified axis. If false, hover interactions are disabled.


      Determines expansion of hover effects to other subplots If “single” just the axis pair of the primary point is included without overlaying subplots. If “overlaying” all subplots using the main axis and occupying the same space are included. If “axis”, also include stacked subplots using the same axis when hovermode is set to “x”, x unified, “y” or y unified.


      Sets the default icicle slice colors. Defaults to the main colorway used for trace colors. If you specify a new list here it can still be extended with lighter and darker colors, see extendiciclecolors.


      A tuple of plotly.graph_objects.layout.Image instances or dicts with compatible properties


      When used in a template (as layout.template.layout.imagedefaults), sets the default property values to use for elements of layout.images


      plotly.graph_objects.layout.Legend instance or dict with compatible properties


      plotly.graph_objects.layout.Map instance or dict with compatible properties


      plotly.graph_objects.layout.Mapbox instance or dict with compatible properties


      plotly.graph_objects.layout.Margin instance or dict with compatible properties


      Assigns extra meta information that can be used in various text attributes. Attributes such as the graph, axis and colorbar title.text, annotation text in legend items, rangeselector, updatemenus and sliders label text all support meta. One can access meta fields using template strings: %{meta[i]} where i is the index of the meta item in question. meta can also be an object for example {key: value} which can be accessed %{meta[key]}.


      Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for meta.


      Minimum height of the plot with margin.automargin applied (in px)


      Minimum width of the plot with margin.automargin applied (in px)


      plotly.graph_objects.layout.Modebar instance or dict with compatible properties


      plotly.graph_objects.layout.Newselectio n instance or dict with compatible properties


      plotly.graph_objects.layout.Newshape instance or dict with compatible properties


      Sets the background color of the paper where the graph is drawn.


      Sets the default pie slice colors. Defaults to the main colorway used for trace colors. If you specify a new list here it can still be extended with lighter and darker colors, see extendpiecolors.


      Sets the background color of the plotting area in-between x and y axes.


      plotly.graph_objects.layout.Polar instance or dict with compatible properties


      Sets the gap (in plot fraction) between scatter points of adjacent location coordinates. Defaults to bargap.


      Determines how scatter points at the same location coordinate are displayed on the graph. With “group”, the scatter points are plotted next to one another centered around the shared location. With “overlay”, the scatter points are plotted over one another, you might need to reduce “opacity” to see multiple scatter points.


      plotly.graph_objects.layout.Scene instance or dict with compatible properties


      When dragmode is set to “select”, this limits the selection of the drag to horizontal, vertical or diagonal. “h” only allows horizontal selection, “v” only vertical, “d” only diagonal and “any” sets no limit.


      Controls persistence of user-driven changes in selected points from all traces.


      A tuple of plotly.graph_objects.layout.Selection instances or dicts with compatible properties


      When used in a template (as layout.template.layout.selectiondefaults), sets the default property values to use for elements of layout.selections


      Sets the decimal and thousand separators. For example, *. * puts a ‘.’ before decimals and a space between thousands. In English locales, dflt is “.,” but other locales may alter this default.


      A tuple of plotly.graph_objects.layout.Shape instances or dicts with compatible properties


      When used in a template (as layout.template.layout.shapedefaults), sets the default property values to use for elements of layout.shapes


      Determines whether or not a legend is drawn. Default is true if there is a trace to show and any of these: a) Two or more traces would by default be shown in the legend. b) One pie trace is shown in the legend. c) One trace is explicitly given with showlegend: true.


      A tuple of plotly.graph_objects.layout.Slider instances or dicts with compatible properties


      When used in a template (as layout.template.layout.sliderdefaults), sets the default property values to use for elements of layout.sliders


      plotly.graph_objects.layout.Smith instance or dict with compatible properties


      Sets the default distance (in pixels) to look for data to draw spikelines to (-1 means no cutoff, 0 means no looking for data). As with hoverdistance, distance does not apply to area- like objects. In addition, some objects can be hovered on but will not generate spikelines, such as scatter fills.


      Sets the default sunburst slice colors. Defaults to the main colorway used for trace colors. If you specify a new list here it can still be extended with lighter and darker colors, see extendsunburstcolors.


      Default attributes to be applied to the plot. This should be a dict with format: {'layout': layoutTemplate, 'data': {trace_type: [traceTemplate, ...], ...}} where layoutTemplate is a dict matching the structure of figure.layout and traceTemplate is a dict matching the structure of the trace with type trace_type (e.g. ‘scatter’). Alternatively, this may be specified as an instance of plotly.graph_objects.layout.Template. Trace templates are applied cyclically to traces of each type. Container arrays (eg annotations) have special handling: An object ending in defaults (eg annotationdefaults) is applied to each array item. But if an item has a templateitemname key we look in the template array for an item with matching name and apply that instead. If no matching name is found we mark the item invisible. Any named template item not referenced is appended to the end of the array, so this can be used to add a watermark annotation or a logo image, for example. To omit one of these items on the plot, make an item with matching templateitemname and visible: false.


      plotly.graph_objects.layout.Ternary instance or dict with compatible properties


      plotly.graph_objects.layout.Title instance or dict with compatible properties


      Sets transition options used during Plotly.react updates.


      Sets the default treemap slice colors. Defaults to the main colorway used for trace colors. If you specify a new list here it can still be extended with lighter and darker colors, see extendtreemapcolors.


      Used to allow user interactions with the plot to persist after Plotly.react calls that are unaware of these interactions. If uirevision is omitted, or if it is given and it changed from the previous Plotly.react call, the exact new figure is used. If uirevision is truthy and did NOT change, any attribute that has been affected by user interactions and did not receive a different value in the new figure will keep the interaction value. layout.uirevision attribute serves as the default for uirevision attributes in various sub-containers. For finer control you can set these sub-attributes directly. For example, if your app separately controls the data on the x and y axes you might set xaxis.uirevision=*time* and yaxis.uirevision=*cost*. Then if only the y data is changed, you can update yaxis.uirevision=*quantity* and the y axis range will reset but the x axis range will retain any user-driven zoom.


      :class:`plotly.graph_objects.layout.Uniformtext ` instance or dict with compatible properties


      A tuple of plotly.graph_objects.layout.Updatemenu instances or dicts with compatible properties


      When used in a template (as layout.template.layout.updatemenudefaults), sets the default property values to use for elements of layout.updatemenus


      Sets the gap (in plot fraction) between violins of adjacent location coordinates. Has no effect on traces that have “width” set.


      Sets the gap (in plot fraction) between violins of the same location coordinate. Has no effect on traces that have “width” set.


      Determines how violins at the same location coordinate are displayed on the graph. If “group”, the violins are plotted next to one another centered around the shared location. If “overlay”, the violins are plotted over one another, you might need to set “opacity” to see them multiple violins. Has no effect on traces that have “width” set.


      Sets the gap (in plot fraction) between bars of adjacent location coordinates.


      Sets the gap (in plot fraction) between bars of the same location coordinate.


      Determines how bars at the same location coordinate are displayed on the graph. With “group”, the bars are plotted next to one another centered around the shared location. With “overlay”, the bars are plotted over one another, you might need to reduce “opacity” to see multiple bars.


      Sets the plot’s width (in px).


      plotly.graph_objects.layout.XAxis instance or dict with compatible properties


      plotly.graph_objects.layout.YAxis instance or dict with compatible properties

  • frames

    The ‘frames’ property is a tuple of instances of Frame that may be specified as:

    • A list or tuple of instances of plotly.graph_objects.Frame

    • A list or tuple of dicts of string/value properties that will be passed to the Frame constructor

      Supported dict properties:


      The name of the frame into which this frame’s properties are merged before applying. This is used to unify properties and avoid needing to specify the same values for the same properties in multiple frames.


      A list of traces this frame modifies. The format is identical to the normal trace definition.


      An identifier that specifies the group to which the frame belongs, used by animate to select a subset of frames.


      Layout properties which this frame modifies. The format is identical to the normal layout definition.


      A label by which to identify the frame


      A list of trace indices that identify the respective traces in the data attribute

  • skip_invalid (bool) – If True, invalid properties in the figure specification will be skipped silently. If False (default) invalid properties in the figure specification will result in a ValueError


ValueError – if a property in the specification of data, layout, or frames is invalid AND skip_invalid is False


__init__([data, layout, frames, skip_invalid])

Create a new :class:Figure instance

add_annotation([arg, align, arrowcolor, …])

Create and add a new annotation to the figure’s layout

add_bar([alignmentgroup, base, basesrc, …])

Add a new Bar trace

add_barpolar([base, basesrc, customdata, …])

Add a new Barpolar trace

add_box([alignmentgroup, boxmean, …])

Add a new Box trace

add_candlestick([close, closesrc, …])

Add a new Candlestick trace

add_carpet([a, a0, aaxis, asrc, b, b0, …])

Add a new Carpet trace

add_choropleth([autocolorscale, coloraxis, …])

Add a new Choropleth trace

add_choroplethmap([autocolorscale, below, …])

Add a new Choroplethmap trace

add_choroplethmapbox([autocolorscale, …])

Add a new Choroplethmapbox trace

add_cone([anchor, autocolorscale, cauto, …])

Add a new Cone trace

add_contour([autocolorscale, autocontour, …])

Add a new Contour trace

add_contourcarpet([a, a0, asrc, atype, …])

Add a new Contourcarpet trace

add_densitymap([autocolorscale, below, …])

Add a new Densitymap trace

add_densitymapbox([autocolorscale, below, …])

Add a new Densitymapbox trace

add_funnel([alignmentgroup, cliponaxis, …])

Add a new Funnel trace

add_funnelarea([aspectratio, baseratio, …])

Add a new Funnelarea trace

add_heatmap([autocolorscale, coloraxis, …])

Add a new Heatmap trace

add_histogram([alignmentgroup, autobinx, …])

Add a new Histogram trace

add_histogram2d([autobinx, autobiny, …])

Add a new Histogram2d trace

add_histogram2dcontour([autobinx, autobiny, …])

Add a new Histogram2dContour trace

add_hline(y[, row, col, …])

Add a horizontal line to a plot or subplot that extends infinitely in the x-dimension.

add_hrect(y0, y1[, row, col, …])

Add a rectangle to a plot or subplot that extends infinitely in the x-dimension.

add_icicle([branchvalues, count, …])

Add a new Icicle trace

add_image([colormodel, customdata, …])

Add a new Image trace

add_indicator([align, customdata, …])

Add a new Indicator trace

add_isosurface([autocolorscale, caps, …])

Add a new Isosurface trace

add_layout_image([arg, layer, name, …])

Create and add a new image to the figure’s layout

add_mesh3d([alphahull, autocolorscale, …])

Add a new Mesh3d trace

add_ohlc([close, closesrc, customdata, …])

Add a new Ohlc trace

add_parcats([arrangement, bundlecolors, …])

Add a new Parcats trace

add_parcoords([customdata, customdatasrc, …])

Add a new Parcoords trace

add_pie([automargin, customdata, …])

Add a new Pie trace

add_sankey([arrangement, customdata, …])

Add a new Sankey trace

add_scatter([alignmentgroup, cliponaxis, …])

Add a new Scatter trace

add_scatter3d([connectgaps, customdata, …])

Add a new Scatter3d trace

add_scattercarpet([a, asrc, b, bsrc, …])

Add a new Scattercarpet trace

add_scattergeo([connectgaps, customdata, …])

Add a new Scattergeo trace

add_scattergl([connectgaps, customdata, …])

Add a new Scattergl trace

add_scattermap([below, cluster, …])

Add a new Scattermap trace

add_scattermapbox([below, cluster, …])

Add a new Scattermapbox trace

add_scatterpolar([cliponaxis, connectgaps, …])

Add a new Scatterpolar trace

add_scatterpolargl([connectgaps, …])

Add a new Scatterpolargl trace

add_scattersmith([cliponaxis, connectgaps, …])

Add a new Scattersmith trace

add_scatterternary([a, asrc, b, bsrc, c, …])

Add a new Scatterternary trace

add_selection([arg, line, name, opacity, …])

Create and add a new selection to the figure’s layout

add_shape([arg, editable, fillcolor, …])

Create and add a new shape to the figure’s layout

add_splom([customdata, customdatasrc, …])

Add a new Splom trace

add_streamtube([autocolorscale, cauto, …])

Add a new Streamtube trace

add_sunburst([branchvalues, count, …])

Add a new Sunburst trace

add_surface([autocolorscale, cauto, cmax, …])

Add a new Surface trace

add_table([cells, columnorder, …])

Add a new Table trace

add_trace(trace[, row, col, secondary_y, …])

Add a trace to the figure

add_traces(data[, rows, cols, secondary_ys, …])

Add traces to the figure

add_treemap([branchvalues, count, …])

Add a new Treemap trace

add_violin([alignmentgroup, bandwidth, box, …])

Add a new Violin trace

add_vline(x[, row, col, …])

Add a vertical line to a plot or subplot that extends infinitely in the y-dimension.

add_volume([autocolorscale, caps, cauto, …])

Add a new Volume trace

add_vrect(x0, x1[, row, col, …])

Add a rectangle to a plot or subplot that extends infinitely in the y-dimension.

add_waterfall([alignmentgroup, base, …])

Add a new Waterfall trace

append_trace(trace, row, col)

Add a trace to the figure bound to axes at the specified row, col index.

batch_animate([duration, easing])

Context manager to animate trace / layout updates


A context manager that batches up trace and layout assignment operations into a singe plotly_update message that is executed when the context exits.

for_each_annotation(fn[, selector, row, …])

Apply a function to all annotations that satisfy the specified selection criteria

for_each_coloraxis(fn[, selector, row, col])

Apply a function to all coloraxis objects that satisfy the specified selection criteria

for_each_geo(fn[, selector, row, col])

Apply a function to all geo objects that satisfy the specified selection criteria

for_each_layout_image(fn[, selector, row, …])

Apply a function to all images that satisfy the specified selection criteria

for_each_legend(fn[, selector, row, col])

Apply a function to all legend objects that satisfy the specified selection criteria

for_each_map(fn[, selector, row, col])

Apply a function to all map objects that satisfy the specified selection criteria

for_each_mapbox(fn[, selector, row, col])

Apply a function to all mapbox objects that satisfy the specified selection criteria

for_each_polar(fn[, selector, row, col])

Apply a function to all polar objects that satisfy the specified selection criteria

for_each_scene(fn[, selector, row, col])

Apply a function to all scene objects that satisfy the specified selection criteria

for_each_selection(fn[, selector, row, col, …])

Apply a function to all selections that satisfy the specified selection criteria

for_each_shape(fn[, selector, row, col, …])

Apply a function to all shapes that satisfy the specified selection criteria

for_each_smith(fn[, selector, row, col])

Apply a function to all smith objects that satisfy the specified selection criteria

for_each_ternary(fn[, selector, row, col])

Apply a function to all ternary objects that satisfy the specified selection criteria

for_each_trace(fn[, selector, row, col, …])

Apply a function to all traces that satisfy the specified selection criteria

for_each_xaxis(fn[, selector, row, col])

Apply a function to all xaxis objects that satisfy the specified selection criteria

for_each_yaxis(fn[, selector, row, col, …])

Apply a function to all yaxis objects that satisfy the specified selection criteria

full_figure_for_development([warn, as_dict])

Compute default values for all attributes not specified in the input figure and returns the output as a “full” figure.

get_subplot(row, col[, secondary_y])

Return an object representing the subplot at the specified row and column.

plotly_relayout(relayout_data, **kwargs)

Perform a Plotly relayout operation on the figure’s layout

plotly_restyle(restyle_data[, trace_indexes])

Perform a Plotly restyle operation on the figure’s traces

plotly_update([restyle_data, relayout_data, …])

Perform a Plotly update operation on the figure.

pop(key, *args)

Remove the value associated with the specified key and return it


Print a visual layout of the figure’s axes arrangement.

select_annotations([selector, row, col, …])

Select annotations from a particular subplot cell and/or annotations that satisfy custom selection criteria.

select_coloraxes([selector, row, col])

Select coloraxis subplot objects from a particular subplot cell and/or coloraxis subplot objects that satisfy custom selection criteria.

select_geos([selector, row, col])

Select geo subplot objects from a particular subplot cell and/or geo subplot objects that satisfy custom selection criteria.

select_layout_images([selector, row, col, …])

Select images from a particular subplot cell and/or images that satisfy custom selection criteria.

select_legends([selector, row, col])

Select legend subplot objects from a particular subplot cell and/or legend subplot objects that satisfy custom selection criteria.

select_mapboxes([selector, row, col])

Select mapbox subplot objects from a particular subplot cell and/or mapbox subplot objects that satisfy custom selection criteria.

select_maps([selector, row, col])

Select map subplot objects from a particular subplot cell and/or map subplot objects that satisfy custom selection criteria.

select_polars([selector, row, col])

Select polar subplot objects from a particular subplot cell and/or polar subplot objects that satisfy custom selection criteria.

select_scenes([selector, row, col])

Select scene subplot objects from a particular subplot cell and/or scene subplot objects that satisfy custom selection criteria.

select_selections([selector, row, col, …])

Select selections from a particular subplot cell and/or selections that satisfy custom selection criteria.

select_shapes([selector, row, col, secondary_y])

Select shapes from a particular subplot cell and/or shapes that satisfy custom selection criteria.

select_smiths([selector, row, col])

Select smith subplot objects from a particular subplot cell and/or smith subplot objects that satisfy custom selection criteria.

select_ternaries([selector, row, col])

Select ternary subplot objects from a particular subplot cell and/or ternary subplot objects that satisfy custom selection criteria.

select_traces([selector, row, col, secondary_y])

Select traces from a particular subplot cell and/or traces that satisfy custom selection criteria.

select_xaxes([selector, row, col])

Select xaxis subplot objects from a particular subplot cell and/or xaxis subplot objects that satisfy custom selection criteria.

select_yaxes([selector, row, col, secondary_y])

Select yaxis subplot objects from a particular subplot cell and/or yaxis subplot objects that satisfy custom selection criteria.

set_subplots([rows, cols])

Add subplots to this figure.

show(*args, **kwargs)

Show a figure using either the default renderer(s) or the renderer(s) specified by the renderer argument


Convert figure to a dictionary

to_html(*args, **kwargs)

Convert a figure to an HTML string representation.

to_image(*args, **kwargs)

Convert a figure to a static image bytes string

to_json(*args, **kwargs)

Convert a figure to a JSON string representation



Convert figure to a JSON representation as a Python dict

update([dict1, overwrite])

Update the properties of the figure with a dict and/or with keyword arguments.

update_annotations([patch, selector, row, …])

Perform a property update operation on all annotations that satisfy the specified selection criteria

update_coloraxes([patch, selector, …])

Perform a property update operation on all coloraxis objects that satisfy the specified selection criteria

update_geos([patch, selector, overwrite, …])

Perform a property update operation on all geo objects that satisfy the specified selection criteria

update_layout([dict1, overwrite])

Update the properties of the figure’s layout with a dict and/or with keyword arguments.

update_layout_images([patch, selector, row, …])

Perform a property update operation on all images that satisfy the specified selection criteria

update_legends([patch, selector, overwrite, …])

Perform a property update operation on all legend objects that satisfy the specified selection criteria

update_mapboxes([patch, selector, …])

Perform a property update operation on all mapbox objects that satisfy the specified selection criteria

update_maps([patch, selector, overwrite, …])

Perform a property update operation on all map objects that satisfy the specified selection criteria

update_polars([patch, selector, overwrite, …])

Perform a property update operation on all polar objects that satisfy the specified selection criteria

update_scenes([patch, selector, overwrite, …])

Perform a property update operation on all scene objects that satisfy the specified selection criteria

update_selections([patch, selector, row, …])

Perform a property update operation on all selections that satisfy the specified selection criteria

update_shapes([patch, selector, row, col, …])

Perform a property update operation on all shapes that satisfy the specified selection criteria

update_smiths([patch, selector, overwrite, …])

Perform a property update operation on all smith objects that satisfy the specified selection criteria

update_ternaries([patch, selector, …])

Perform a property update operation on all ternary objects that satisfy the specified selection criteria

update_traces([patch, selector, row, col, …])

Perform a property update operation on all traces that satisfy the specified selection criteria

update_xaxes([patch, selector, overwrite, …])

Perform a property update operation on all xaxis objects that satisfy the specified selection criteria

update_yaxes([patch, selector, overwrite, …])

Perform a property update operation on all yaxis objects that satisfy the specified selection criteria

write_html(*args, **kwargs)

Write a figure to an HTML file representation

write_image(*args, **kwargs)

Convert a figure to a static image and write it to a file or writeable object

write_json(*args, **kwargs)

Convert a figure to JSON and write it to a file or writeable object



The data property is a tuple of the figure’s trace objects


The frames property is a tuple of the figure’s frame objects


The layout property of the figure