Scatter 3D Charts

The following imports have been used to produce the plots below:

fn main() {
use ndarray::Array;
use plotly::common::{
    ColorScale, ColorScalePalette, DashType, Fill, Font, Line, LineShape, Marker, Mode, Title,
use plotly::layout::{Axis, BarMode, Layout, Legend, TicksDirection};
use plotly::Sankey;
use rand_distr::{Distribution, Normal, Uniform};

The to_inline_html method is used to produce the html plot displayed in this page.

Constructing a basic Scatter 3D plot

fn main() {
fn simple_scatter3d_plot(show: bool) -> Plot {
    let n: usize = 100;
    let t: Vec<f64> = Array::linspace(0., 10., n).into_raw_vec_and_offset().0;
    let y: Vec<f64> = t.iter().map(|x| x.sin()).collect();
    let z: Vec<f64> = t.iter().map(|x| x.cos()).collect();

    let trace = Scatter3D::new(t, y, z).mode(Mode::Markers);
    let mut plot = Plot::new();

    if show {;